1). Thank you to our anonymous donors, other donations, and continued efforts fundraising received thus far, we're happy to announce we'll be breaking ground soon and making this dream a reality. Photos coming soon.
-We're working on raising enough money to expand our existing single lane batting cage to multiple lanes. More lanes means more teams practicing at the same time. If your interested in contributing to this project please don't hesitate to reach out. Includes free advertising for your company for the life of the cages.
2). Our Majors field scoreboard has been refaced and looking sharp. Currently working on replacing/updating the Pitching Machine (old Minors) fields.
3). Completed-The Majors field is scheduled to be converted to an interchangeable field from 46/60 to 50/70 (Intermediate 11-13 years). Doing this will gradually help the older Majors transition to the 60/90 field by the time they move up to Junior & Senior divisions, same size field the Pros play on.
4). Completed - We'll be converting our lower field to a skinned field to be utilized by both our minor teams and the softball teams.